For over 40 years, BELLIMO successfully focuses on the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning markets providing quality solutions that will increase energy efficiency; reduce installation cost with the fastest delivery times in the industry. Our innovative products have always been designed to help achieve objectives better, faster, and more economically. Investing in new technology is key to our success, and Belimo will continue to offer products to help businesses succeed.
MCDONNELL & MILLER Low Water cut-offs are specially designed to protect steam and hot water boilers from the hazards of a low water condition. In operation they will interrupt the electrical current to the firing device, if the water in the system drops below the boiler manufacturer’s minimum safe water level. Our low water cut-offs also provide an additional circuit for a low water alarm, should you desire to install one, for additional protection.
WARRICK® Conductivity level control systems rely on the liquid level sensing capability of probes (electrodes) that are housed inside fittings designed to accommodate one or more probes. The concept is simple: take advantage of a liquid’s conductive properties to complete a circuit and cause a control relay to actuate.